residential school - vertaling naar russisch
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residential school - vertaling naar russisch

Residential School; Residential schools; Residential Schools; Residential school (disambiguation); Indian residential Schools

residential school         
residential school         

строительное дело


residential school         


Селитебные земли

категория земель, предназначенных для строительства жилых и общественных зданий, промышленных предприятий, дорог, улиц, площадей и т. п. в пределах городов и посёлков городского типа. В современном советском земельном законодательстве термин "С. з." заменен термином Городские земли.


Residential school

Residential school may refer to:

  • American Indian boarding schools
  • Canadian Indian residential school system
    • List of Indian residential schools in Canada
  • Boarding school
  • Residential treatment center for people with addictions or severe mental illnesses
  • Therapeutic boarding school
Uitspraakvoorbeelden voor residential school
1. school, public school, residential school
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2. who ran a combination clinic and residential school
Voorbeelden uit tekstcorpus voor residential school
1. Tuition and board is free at the residential school.
2. Many of the pupils at this residential school were deaf and dumb.
3. I‘d just finished graduate study and started work in a residential school for children.
4. At that time, it would also have meant sending him away to a residential school.
5. Youths at the residential school, including some from Pennsylvania, were relocated to other schools after it closed.